Me Spot

Me Spot Week    
        Each child will have a “me spot” week, a celebration of who they are!  It is a great way for us to learn about one another.  We will discover many differences and similarities in each other, but realize alike or not, we are all good people.
Please send in pictures of your child on a poster board (from baby to present). Your child will share these pictures with the class.  You may want to write captions to help your child when sharing the pictures.  I will hang the poster board outside the classroom for the week, so please no folding display boards.  The pictures will be returned the following Friday.

We create a life-size drawing of the child.

A family member comes in to share an activity; i.e., you can explain your job, bring in items to talk about a hobby, plant seeds, lead an arts and crafts project, perform a science experiment, or teach the children how to sew, dance, throw a ball, or how to play an instrument.  We are open to any suggestions. 
The child brings in their favorite story.  It can be read to the class by the child, teacher, a relative or friend.

The child is interviewed by their classmates.  The children learn a lot about each other through the interview.  They become aware of their similarities and differences, but always respecting each other as an individual.

I ask that the pictures always come in on Monday.  It allows us to enjoy them all week.  All the other activities can be changed to different days.  The week before your child’s me spot, send me an email so we can arrange a schedule that works for everyone. Thanks